The club runs annual competitions specially for club members. These include singles, pairs, triples and fours. Whilst no one is forced to enter, each member is encouraged to enter one or more competitions both to support the club and to improve their own enjoyment of the game.
The competitions are held through the summer season and climax with the club finals day which is always held over the late August bank holiday weekend. The cups and trophies won are presented to the winners and runners ups at a convivial social evening at one of the many excellent hostelries in the town.
Competition Rules
All competitions will be run by the Lewes Bowls Committee and the Competition Committee
Organisers (J. Pengelly, D. Nellar).
All matters concerning competitions should be referred to the organisers, who will liaise with the Bowls Committee if necessary.
1 ENTRIES Club members wishing to enter are eligible provided they can fulfil all the commitments and be available to play the ROUNDS and THE WHOLE OF FINALS WEEKEND. By entering, you are agreeing to abide by the following rules and comply with Rule 1 Appendix D of the Club Constitution. Entry fees per competitor must be paid.
Greys & Club or white shirts to be worn for all qualifying rounds. Whites to be worn for finals.
2 THE DRAW All competition entries & teams (except the Nominated Mixed Pairs) will be drawn. All rounds must be played BY the stipulated dates. The Pairs, Triples and Fours drawn teams will decide their order of play.
3 PLAYING ARRANGEMENTS (IMPORTANT, PLEASE NOTE) The first named shall be the challenger(s) and shall, not less than 14 days prior to the closing date of the respective round, offer the opponent(s) THREE DATES with times that take reasonable account of the opponents availability. The opponents must respond with their agreed selection. For all rounds rinks must be drawn, on or before the day of the match. (Rinks for finals will be determined by the organisers) The challenger, or the challenger’s skips shall make the draw. Rinks must be of the colour and direction of the day. North/South is permitted on sunny evenings when the direction of the day is East/West. In singles competitions the challenger shall provide the marker.
Players/teams that do not make reasonable arrangements or turn up at the scheduled time shall forfeit the game. If both sides so fail, or fail to play in time, the competition organisers will decide whether either party should go through or how to go forward with the competition.
In cases where difficulty in agreeing playing arrangements are experienced the problem should be referred to the competition organisers who will give a ruling on the matter and whose decision will be final.
4 HANDICAP SINGLES The handicap shall be determined in the range 0-10 by the Handicap Committee. The difference between the handicaps of the two players shall be entered on the score of the high handicap player at the start of the game. The first player to achieve 21 shots will be the winner.
5 SUBSTITUTES If a substitute is required for Pairs, Triples or Fours competitions, the relevant team should approach the competition organisers who will, if possible, appoint a substitute who must be a person who is not in, or has not played, in the same competition.
6 DURING AND AFTER PLAY The decision of a marker or, when required, an Umpire, shall be final.
Each scorecard must be signed by BOTH players or skips and put into the scorecard box provided. Competition play-off charts must only be updated by the competition organisers.
7 FINAL DECISION It is expected that all arrangements for the competitions and the play itself will be conducted in a spirit of cooperation and sportsmanship. It is the responsibility of ALL COMPETITORS to ensure that these rules and the rules of bowls are fully observed. Any queries must be referred, in good time, to the competition organisers whose decision on all aspects, whether covered by these rules or otherwise, shall be final.
(As amended March 2016. D. Nellar.)
The 2023 competitions were played over two days with many members reaching one or more finals. Fine weather and a sporting contest were enjoyed by all. The ladies singles championship was fought out between Diane Law and Maureen Dacey, with Maureen emerging as winner. In the men's singles Laurence Aquilina and David Holmes had a hard fought match which saw David emerge as champion, and proving age doesn't matter in this sport if your good enough. In 2024 we plan to have all trophies presented on the final afternoon and follow that with a buffet and social.